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Xabsi U Diriddii Samsam Axmed Ducaale:
Sida Sharci Hayihii Ugu Mudnaadeen Sharcigii Loo Dhiibay

(SHHRF 0013/2004, Somali version, 19/12/2004 )

Bishan Disember 15keedi ayaa Samsam Axmed Ducaale, gabar 16 jir ah, si lala yaabay loogu soo oogay dacwad basaasnimo iyo shirqoolid Somaliland ka dibna lagu xakumay 5 sano oo xarig ah. Waxaa ummad badani amminsantahay in arrintaasi tahay mid caddaaladda ka fog, maadaama aan maxkamadda la horkeenin wax caddayn ah ee liddu ku ah Samsam. Kiiskani waa mid shaki ku dhisan, maadaama gabadhaan yar lagu eedeeyey inay basaaseesay Madaxweyne-ku-xigeenka Somaliland. Waxaa intaas dheer, Samsam waxay ka timid Puntland oo dagaal hadda ka dhex aloosanyahay Somaliland, iyadoo la isku haysto labada gobol ee Sool iyo Sanaag.

Xabsi u diridda Samsam waxay muujinaysaa sida Somaliland ugu daddan tahay wareenka xaquuqul iinsaanka. Xukunka aan sharciga ku dhisnayn (Kangroo court) wuxuu ina tusayaa sida sharci hayihii ugu mudnaadeen sharcigii loo dhiibay.Taasi waa la yaab ka dib markii Somaliland ay ku noolayad nabad iyo horumar in ku dhow 15 sano. Waa yaab kale in maanta la xasuusiyo dadka Somaliland muhiimadda ay leedahay xaquuqul iinsaanku iyo dhibta ay leedahay maxkamad Kaangaru.

Waxaa la aaminsan yahay in intay xirnayd Samsad uu jirdil iyo kufsi ku sameeyey booliska Somaliland. Gabadhaas yar waxaa lagu xiray xabsiga dadka waaweyn, sidoo kale waxaa loo maxkamadeeyey sidii qof waayeel ah. Markii maxkamadda la keenay waxaa ayana xabsiga loo taxaabay qareennadii difaacayey, ayagoo lagu eedeeye maxkamad quursi. Qaaddigii waxba kama soo qaadin eeddii ahayd in Samsam la kufsaday lana jirdilay intii ay u xirnayd booliska Somaliland. Waxaa dhaaftay in la sameeyo baaris rasmi ah.

Si loo aamusiyo dadka uu dooda kiiska Samsam, waxaa la caddaynayaa in la xir-xiray, qaarna loo hanjabay, gaar ahaan dadka u dhaq-dhaqaaqa xaquuqul iinsaanka Somaliland. Sidoo kale qof alle qofkii dawladda ku eedeeyey arrinta Samasam waa loo caga-jugleeyey.

Kiisku wuu soo jiitay indhaha dad badan oo u ololeeyeya arrimaha xaquuqul iinsaanka, gudaha Somaliya iyo daafaha adduunkaba. Waxaa ka mid ah hay'adda Ammensty International iyadoo ku doodday in "maxkamadda Samsam tahay mid caddaaladda la fog, aanna la keenin wax caddayn ah in gabadhaasi khatar galinaysay nabadda dawaladda".

Haddii bulsho rabto inay korto, hornayna u marto, waa muhiim inay ilaaliso sharciyada ay qoroto, nidaamka dimoqoraaddiga ah ee ay doorbidday , sida Somalilandna ay ku faanto. Sida aan hore ugu sheegnay, arrinta Somaliland waxay ina xasuusinaysaa falalkii foosha xumaa ee nidaamkii Siyaad Barre, kaasoo xadgudubka iyo gaboodfalka xaquuqul-iinsaanku ahaa mid joogto ah. Midda kale, arrinta Samsam waxay burisay xeer Somaali soo jiray qarniyo kaasoo ahaa in dumarka iyo carruurta la siiyo fiiro gaar ah. Arrinta Samsam waa ceebaysay magaca Somaliland.

Xarunta Suldan Hurre Human Rights Focus (SHHRF) waxay ugu yeeraysaa madaxda Somaliland inay dhawraan sharciyadda iyo xaquuqul iinsaanka siina deeyaanna Samsam Axmed Ducaale, sharuud la'aan, waayo waa wax lala yaabo in gabar 16 jir ah lagu soo oogo dembi basaasnimo iyo shirqool madax qaran. Sidoo kale waxaan madaxda Somaliland ugu yeeraynaa inay furaan baaris madaxbannaan si looga gun gaaro kufsiga iyo jirdilka, ka dibna loo ciqaabo cidda ay ku caddaato.

Waxaa SHHRF aad ugu bogaadinaysaa bulshada rayidka ah ee Somaliland mawqifka dahabiga ah  sharaftana  leh ee ay ka istaagtay qaddiyadda Samsam Axmed Ducaale.

Sultan Hurre Human Rights Focus (SHHRF)

In support for Somali human rights defence

Sultan Hurre
Human Rights Focus

The Verdict of Samsam Ahmed Du’aale: The Law of the Rulers or the Rule of Law?

(SHHRF 0023/2004, 19/12/2004)

On 15 December 2004, Samsam Ahmed Du’aale, a 16-years old girl who was absurdly accused of espionage and conspiracy in Somaliland, was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. It is believed that the rule was biased and unfair as no proof to validate the charges had been brought to the court. There are (cut all elements) good grounds to suspect the case as Samsam was alleged to be spying on the Vice-President of Somaliland. Samsam is from Puntland Somalia which is at war with Somaliland over the disputed regions of Sool and Sanaag East.

The sentencing of Samsam Ahmed Du’aale has proved how far Somaliland authority would like to go to violate human rights. The kangaroo court confirms how the law of the rulers has prevailed over the rule of law which was expected Somaliland to follow after a decade and half of peace and progress. Alas, the people of Somaliland are the last to be reminded the importance of human rights and kangaroo courts.

During her detention, Samsam had been tortured and beaten by the police. It has also been alleged that Samsam had been raped by police officers as she was detained and tried as an adult person. When the case against her was challenged in the court by the defence lawyers, the judge callously charged Samsam’s lawyers on contempt of court and sent them to prison. The judge also dismissed Samsam’s allegations of rape and other torture while in custody without impartial investigation.

To silence all critics of the Samsam's case, it was claimed that the police arrested and intimated members of human rights activists in Somaliland. Similarly, anyone suspected on account of criticising the authority over this case was being intimidated by the police.

The case cough the attention of many respected local and international human rights organisations, which raised their concern about the detention and the trail of Samsam. One of such organisation is Amnesty International which considers that Samsam’s trial was “grossly unfair and produced no evidence to substantiate the serious charge of espionage affecting the security of the state”.

For a community to grow and progress, it needs to respect its laws and the democratic credentials it vaunts to stand for. As mentioned in our previous statement, Samsam’s sage is reminiscent of the old days’ of the military regime of Siyad Barre where the disrespects and violations of human rights were daily occurrences. This act contravenes centuries old Somali culture values where children, women and elders are given the uppermost respect. It is also a disgrace to the people of Somaliland as the saga has tarnished the good cultural values of Somalis.

Sultan Hurre Human Rights Focus appeals to the Somaliland authorities to be kind and respect the human rights and release Samsam Ahmed Du’aale without any condition as it is outrageous to accuse an adolescent girl of espionage and conspiracy to assassinate a high profile personality in Somaliland. We also ask the relevant authorities to call an independent inquiry of the alleged rape and torture. On the basis of this finding, the authorities should persecute those found to be responsible for this serious crime.

Sultan Hurre Human Rights Focus (SHHRF)

Faafin: | 22/12/2004


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