Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo Warqad Kulul u Diray Meles
Abdirizak Haji Hussen [Somalia PM 1964-67] |
Ra'iisul wasaarihii Soomaaliya sannadihii 1964-67,
Cabdirisaaq Xaaji xuseen , oo hadda kusugan magaalada
Minneapolis, Minnesota, ayaa waqad dheer oo dhinacyo
badan taabanaysa u qoray ra'iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya
Meles Zenawi.
Cabdirisaaq waxa uu warqadiisa ku bilaabay in uu aad
uga fiirsaday sooqoritaanka warqaddaas, isla markaana uu
u arkay in ay tahay lagama maarmaan in uu la qaybsado
dareenkiisa arimaha Soomaaliya ee waji gabaxa leh oo sii
xumaanaya maalinwalba, iyo heerka ay Itoobiya ka
qaadatay sii dheeraynta arintaas, taas oo weliba uu
cabdirisaaq yiri kuwaasi waa dareenka Soomaalida xogta
Waxaa uu Cabdirisaaq xusay in bilowgii ay Itoobiya
arimaha Soomaaliya dhexdhexaad ka ahayd, laakiin sida ay
u muuqato ay arintaas dib uga fiirsatay ... taas oo
noqotay salka wajihida cusub. siyaasada cusub ee
Itoobiya ee kuwajahan Soomaaliya waxa ay noqotay, ayuu
yiri, mid ku dhisan xulafaysi marka ay la xaajooneso
qaybaha Soomaaliya iskaga soo horjeeda. Taas oo ah
faragelin arimaha gudaha Soomaaliya.
Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo kamida madaxdii
Soomaaliya wax kasoo xukuntay waagii Soomaaliya ay
magaca kulahayd maqaamka caalamka, waxa uu yiri:
Su'aasha la isweydiinayaa waxa ay tahay, Itoobiya ma
waxa ay rabtaa in ay sheegato Soomaaliya, si ay u
adeegsato badda Soomaaliya, iyadoo arintaas ugu
curaareysa qaranka Soomaaliya? haday arintu saas tahay
ayuu yiri, malaha si taas loo gaaro waa in la adeegsado
habkii gumaystayaashii gaboobey oo ahaa in la kala gato
caaqilada iyo qabaa'ilka (iyo hadda kuwa aadka u
fikradda gaaban ee qabqablayaasha dagaalka ah). Qaabkaas
oo ah in qaybo Soomaaliya ah lagu qabsado, ama gebi
Qoraalkaas oo aad u dheera waxa uu cabdirisaaq xusay
in Itoobiya ay jebisey qaraarkii qaramada midoobey ee
ahaa "Resolution 733 (January 23, 1992), kaas oo ahaa in
Soomaaliya lagu soo rogo cunaqabatayn xagga hubka ah.
Taas oo Cabdirisaaq sheegay in itoobiya ay hub siisay
Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Mogadishu, Bay, Bakool, Gedo,
Jubaland, iyo Puntland, arimahaas oo uu weliba sheegay
in ay yihiin sir waadax ah.
Waxa kale oo Cabdirisaaq xusay waraysi ay BBcdu la
yeelay Meles Zenawi kaas oo uu Zenawi yiri "Itoobiya waa
dal aan bad lahayn, waana ka faa'iidi lahayn hadii ay
Soomaaliya dawladi ka dhalato, maadaama ay Soomaaliya
tahay waddan bad ku xeerantaahy", taas oo sida uu Zenawi
sheegay ay Itoobiya ka go'an tahay in ay ka shaqayso
nabada Soomaaliya, arinta waraysigaas isagoo cabdirisaaq
ka jawaabaya waxa uu yiri waxa keliya oo waraysigaaga
laga qaadankaraa in sidiisa loo qaato, taas oo ah in aad
xaqiiqada kor ku xusan diideysid.
Cabdirisaaq oo la talinaya Zenawi waxa uu yiri "
waxaa ugu haboon ee Soomaaliya aad ka qabankartaa waa in
aad si cad u muujisid in aad beri katahay qabqablayaasha
dagaalka ee qaramada midoobey ku tilmaameen in ay
caqabdda ku yihiin nabada iyo dib u heshiisiinta
Soomaaliya. waana in aad si fagaare ah u tiraahdaa "qof
kasta oo aan nabadda (somalia) ka shaqaynayn itoobiya
yuu ku xisaabtamin". Waxaan aaminsanahay, ayuu yiri
Cabdirisaaq, haddii aad, waa Zenawi'e, si cad sadaradaas
u bayaamisid in ay suurta gal noqonkarto in xal loo helo
Soomaaliya, habka ugu wanaagsana waa in aad sidaas ka
caddaysid shirka lagu wado in lagu qabto Nairobi. Waa
hadii Itoobiya aysan xiisaynayn Soomaaliya oo aan nidaam
kajirin oo kala qaybsan.
Ugu dambayn Cabdirisaaq warqaddaas uu u diray Zenawi
waxa uu ku soo gabagabeeyey isagoo yiri: "Dhammaan
qabqablayaasha dagaalka ee ku dhaaranayaan in ay ama
madaxweyne iyo/ama ra'iisul wasaare noqdaan waa in si
waadax ah loogu caddeeyaa in sida hamigaas lagu gaari
karo ayasan ahayn kala qaybinta dadka. Qof kasta oo ku
hanweyn in uu noqdo hoggaamiye waa in uu soo ban dhigo
ama la yimaado, si xor ah, isagoo dadka ku qancinaaya
aragtidiisa sababta uu ugu qalmo in dadku rumaystaan
(ama hadalkiiisa aamnaan) ama taageeraan, halkii uu
khasab qori caaradii dadka ugu jajuubi (khasbi) lahaa
waxa uu rabo.
Qoraalkii Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen nuqul kamida oo soo gaarey ka akhri hoos:
April 15,2002
Your Excellency,
My name is Abdirizak Haji Hussein, former Prime
Minister of Somalia (1964-67). I currently live in the
United States, but I follow closely events in Somalia
and the Horn.
After careful consideration, I thought it pertinent
to write this personal letter to Your Excellency to
share with you my feelings and concerns, which I believe
are the feelings and concerns of most concerned and
informed Somalis, about the pathetic and ever
deteriorating situation in Somalia, and the role
Ethiopia has been playing in such a prolonged crises.
Specifically, I would like to share the following
Ethiopia has, especially since 1992, been actively
involved in Somalia’s crises. Several conferences on
national reconciliation have been held in Ethiopia, some
of which were initiated and sponsored by your
Government. At the beginning, it appeared that your
government’s approach towards the crises was
fundamentally neutral, which was much appreciated by
anyone who really had Somalia’s plight at heart. But,
since Cairo’s reconciliation conference, it appears that
Ethiopia has had second thoughts----and this has become
the basis for a new approach.
The new policy seems to be oriented towards
partisanship and clientalism when dealing with the
Somali rival functions. This has led to a gradual but
steady pattern of meddling in Somalia’s internal
affairs. In turn, such a posture has further aggravated
the political and security situation.
At this point, the question many a Somali is asking
is this: Does the Ethiopian Government’s new attitude
revive the old Ethiopian claim towards the land of the
Somali nation, and, therefore, access to the sea at the
expense of the Somali nation? If so, perhaps the best
means to achieve this would be to follow the classic
footsteps of the old colonialist technique of
manipulating local chieftains and playing one clan or
group of clans (and now petty warlords too), against the
others. Such a new scramble will include a military
occupation of parts, if not the whole, of Somalia on an
orchestrated pretext---like Altihad and “terrorism”
threatening Ethiopia national security—and then trying
to build up a thousand and one excuses to stay put. This
may sound like an exaggeratingly surrealistic scenario.
I hope it is just that.
But then there is the UN Security Council resolution
on the situation in Somalia (SC/7346 of March 28, 2002)
which, among other things, “noted with serious concern
the continued flow of weapons and ammunition supplies to
Somalia from other countries and reported training of
militia and plans of major offensives in southern and
northeastern parts of the country.” The council further
“insisted that no state, in particular those of the
region, should interfere in the internal affairs of
Somalia. Such interference only further destabilizes
Somalia-----and could jeopardize the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, political indepence and unity of
the country…”
Though the resolution refrained from naming any
specific country, the illusion is clear. Your
Excellence, it’s an open secret that your government has
been in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 733
(January23, 1992), which established an arms embargo on
Somalia. There is evidence that you have been supplying
weapons and ammunition to a number of Somali warlords in
different areas of the country, more specifically in the
Mogadishu area, in Bay, Bakool, Gedo and Jubaland
regions, as well as in the northeastern (Puntland)
region in a bid to strengthen the military and political
fortunes of those warlords who are known to have close
links with your government. “The reported training of
militia” by your government’s officers both in “southern
and northeastern parts of the country” for “major
offensives” is also an open secret.
I have read with keen interest the transcript in
Somali of the long and interesting interview Your
Excellency had with the BBC (Somali service) that was
aired on April 4, 2002. Here, you deny that above
allegations by stating that the new Ethiopia under your
leadership is completely opposed to the policies and
practices of the former Ethiopian rulers. BBC reports
also that you made it clear that Ethiopia ‘s stated
policy on Somalia is one that is committed to work
toward helping Somali’s overcome their present political
difficulties, not take advantage of it. Your Excellency
is also reported to have added, “ with a Somalia on
solid foundation, Ethiopia would have gained many
benefits.” Citing some examples you reported to have
said: “ Now, we are land locked. In Somalia, there’re
many sea-ports on the Indian Ocean. Many of those ports
are adjacent to our country. With a stable government in
Somalia, we could have had opportunities that now do not
exist. So, not only would we lose nothing if there were
a stable government in Somalia but we would have gained
This is a very heartening and most welcome statement.
But how does one square that with the facts on the
ground this is a fundamental contradiction that must be
I, for one, think that your interview with the BBC
(Somali service) Chief editor -Yusuf Grad Omar should be
taken on its face value. However, I hope you butters
you’re ennobling sentiments with concrete and fitting
actions. There would be no better time for Your
Excellency personally, and for Ethiopia, to win not only
the appreciation of the Somali people, but also, to earn
the worldwide recognition of being a wounded healing
statesman of contemporary Africa
One of the crucial roles Your Excellency can effectively
play would be to make CLEAR to those warlords who, in
the words of UN Security Council, “ continue to be
obstacles to peace and stability in Somalia,” as well as
to the national reconciliation efforts, that Ethiopia is
not interested in a chaotic and divided Somalia.
Moreover, you should assert publicly that anyone who is
not for peace and unity in Somalia should NOT count on
Ethiopia’s good offices. In my view, if you make a
public stand along these lines, a solution to the crises
of the long-suffering Somali people would be probable.
An ideal moment to announce this point might be around
the forthcoming date of the conference in Nairobi.
All the warlords who are vying for becoming either
the president and/or prime minister, should be made to
realize, loud and clear, that the way to achieve such an
ambition is not divide the people, with each cutting the
other’s throat. Anyone who aspires to a position of
leadership should democratically, persuasively, and
convincingly demonstrate why he/ she deserves the
peoples’ confidence/trust and support, instead of
imposing his/her will and whim at gunpoint.
I apologize for taking much of your valuable time.
Abdirizak Haji Hussein
Prime Minister (1964-67)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fax/Telephone: (612) ***-****
for privacy reasons]