w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Somali Concern Group

12 Barnsbury Road, London N1 0HB


Somali Concern Group (SCG) is shocked by the unconcealed treacherous statement made by the Minister of Interior of the TFG, Hussein Aidid. We totally deplore and condemn this statement and we demand the President and Prime Minister to immediately clarify whether such plans or agreements are in place or already signed between the Ethiopians and TFG.

Aidid’s statement reads:

Xuseen Caydiid, waxaa uu yiri: "2 malyan oo qaxootigeena boqolkii 60 itoobiyay joogaan, baasaboorka itoobiyay qaataan, dhulka itoobiyay ku nool yihiin, dibaday ku aadaan, way ka soo laabtaan, xoolo dhaqatada waa galaan, waa ka soo laabtaan, haye xudduud laba kun oo kilomitir ayaa isla leenahay, xudduudaas in aan baabi'naan rabnaa xitaa, maxaa yeelay walaalaan nahay wax noo dhaxeeya ma jirto, hal baasaboor, hal ciidan, security iyo hal dhaqaale in aan suubsanaan rabnaa." Source British Broadcasting Corporation Somali Service.

Here is the translated statement:

Hussein Aidid stated: “ 60% of our 2 million of our refugees are in Ethiopia, they have Ethiopian passport, they live in Ethiopia, they use it (passport) when travelling abroad and come back, the pastoralists to Ethiopia and come back, we have two thousand kilometre border with them, we want to abolish that border, because we are brothers and have no problem between us, we want to have one passport, one army, security and one economy”.

The Minister deliberately ignored the fact that 4-5 million ethnic Somalis live in the exclusively Somali populated Eastern region of current Ethiopia. Somalis in this region have every right to use Ethiopia passport, travel abroad and come back. It is also a fact that some Somali refugees may have bribed Ethiopian authorities to illegally get Ethiopian passports. That doesn’t mean they have legally acquired the passports.

Hussein Aidid’s blatant statement over the fate of our homeland is grossly serious and cannot be decided by an institution that is transitional in nature. The TFG is a reconciliatory body and has no legal power to enter any agreements that determine the future of the Somali nation. Only a government elected by the people of Somalia (not a transitional government) has such legal powers to enter treaties/arrangements with foreign countries or organizations. And only after the government asks the people of Somalia in a national referendum to overwhelmingly vote in favour of such policy. Before that time, no such policy can be discussed.

We, therefore, demand the leadership of the TFG to explain its position on this undignified statement made by one of its senior Minister. If the TFG doesn’t officially clarify its position, the Somali people will assume the statement of Hussein Aidid is a warning of what going to happen in the future. It is a gross misjudgement of Somali people’s self-determination and throws the fate of the Somali nation in doubt. Such treacherous statement/thinking cannot be accepted.

We also remind the TFG that the Ethiopian occupation in Somalia is constitutionally illegal because it was not passed by the transitional parliament. It also breaches the UN resolutions on the arms embargo and explicitly excluding the frontline states in taking part the proposed African peace-keepers. The Somali people demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Ethiopia troops from Somalia.

Thank you,

Mohamud Gure

Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxaa leh qoraaga ku saxiixan

Faafin: | Jan 5, 2007

::Murtida Maanta iyo Hadalkii Xuseen Caydiid... Guji..

Xuseen Caydiid: Xadka Soomaaliya Waa La Baab'inayaa
.Nin hubeysan oo labo Itoobiyaan ah ku diley Degmada Jilib...
.Mucaaradka itoobiya oo ku celiyey in Ciidmda Itoobiya ay..
.Dowladda FKMG oo xayiraaddii ka qaaday duulimaadyadii
.Ciidamo ka socda Wadamada Uganda iyo Nayjeeriya oo ku..
.Goobihii Dowladdu u cayintay in hubka la geeyo oo..
.Ma laga yaabaa in uu qabsoomo kulanka uu ku baaqey...
Wararka oo dhan oo ka akhri... Jan 3


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Kulaabo bogga 