Formation of the Somali
Federal Government Obstacles
Eng. Ahmed M Moalin – Waharey
Somali Peace & Development
Adviser – Free License
Skara – Sweden - 046 73 651 42
The political structure of the
Somali Transitional Federal
Government is clearly based on
federalization system which will
empower all Somali peoples as to
make bottom-up based local
administrative structure to
their settlements, districts,
regions & regional states. Most
of the Somali people are
welcoming this federalization
system which will decentralize
the power in to district level
as to avoid top-down based
administrative structure used by
the former dictatorship
government of Siad Bare.
Evidently, most people from
southern Mudug & central
Galgudud regions’ will never
accept federalization system,
because their political
ambitions are not applicable to
their limited home settlements,
districts & regions, due to the
lack of infrastructures,
resources and population, that
is why they invaded to the other
Somali regions like Banadir
(Mogadishu), Lower shabele (Afgoe,
Marka, Brava..), Central Jubba (Buale,
Jilib & Jamame) & Lower Jubba
Regions (Kismayo).
But it may be very useful, if
the Transitional Federal
Government give quick impact
development packages to the
above mentioned settlements in
southern Mudug & Galgudud
regions, such as Infrastructures
(Tarmac roads, hospitals
schools..) and improving
existing resource (Fishing
industry & Livestock feeding,
curing, slaughtering &
marketing facilities). It will
give remarkable encouragement to
those people as to evacuate from
other Somali people’s regions
and they will freely able to
return to their original home
districts and regions, because,
former Somali governments from
50s till 90s were ignored those
Many people are wondering how
the current vice prime Minister
of the Somali Transitional
Federal Government described his
governments’ political strategy
which is far away from the
constitution of the transitional
federal Government. “Somalia &
Ethiopia governments will open
their borders as to share one
state, one land, one force & one
flag” said by Hussein Aided. It
seems like an old warlords’
formula learned by the Somali
communities during the civil
war, which used by the warlords
when they want to obstruct
political systems against to
their personal interest.
Governmentally, Hussein Aided’s
speech doesn’t make sense if the
President, Prime Minster and
members of the ministerial
cabinet jointly release press
conference against Aided. But
Aided’s speech is more useful to
a certain people, politicians &
businessmen directly affected by
the ongoing war against Islamic
Court Union, which are currently
pressured by the transitional
federal government for the
evacuations of the pre-occupied
government properties,
settlements, districts &
regions. On the other hand, if
the government didn’t release
any press, Hussein Aided’s
speech will create crises
between the Somali People, the
Somali Transitional Federal
Government & the Ethiopian
Government, which will make
great obstacles to the existing
& emerging federalization system
from every corner of the
Eng. Ahmed M Moalin – Waharey
Somali Peace & Development
Adviser – Free License
Skara – Sweden - 046 73 651 42