Nairobi , Kenya
Recommendations From "Center For Somali
Solutions International on Civil society
Participation in Somali Peace building
and Reconciliation"
Nairobi, Kenya, 4 January 2007.
Center for
Somalia Solutions recognizes that there
have been Changes in the Somali
Political process. So far, but at the
same time is deeply concerned at the
lack of progress in critical areas.
Disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration (DDR) is the de facto
peace process in
Without DDR there will be no security
and hence no environment for sustainable
peace in the country. But the
government must come up the plans for
comprehensive disarmament and
demobilization and integration in
Somalia as whole.
There is
an urgent need to include civil society
stake holders in the Development of all
the processes in place.
We are
deeply concerned that it will not be
possible to get comprehensive and real
disarmament given the current situation
and ultimatums the fact that meaningful
processes of consultation with the
Somali people. and have yet to begin. It
is essential that the Somali people are
informed and engaged in all democratic
processes and civil society
organizations have an invaluable role to
play in partnership with the government
in this regard.
The role
of the international community remains
central with regard to the provision of
security and protection of human rights
in this transitional period.
International support the demand of the
Somali government for
financial support by the international
Disarmament, Demobilization and
Reintegration (DDR)
The key objectives of the DDR process
must be implemented within the framework
of consultative agreement not by force.
For the DDR process to succeed it must
have public support with clear mandate.
To ensure effective heavy weapon
cantonment this process must take place
under the
International supervision For IGAD /UN.
An independent commission of
representatives from civil society to
include the media should inspect and
monitor the DDR process and inform the
public on its progress at regular
A detailed and comprehensive strategy
must be developed immediately to halt
the illegal trafficking of weapons
coming in the country.
The DDR process must be seen by Somalis
to be under the control of qualified and
Experienced, neutral force and Somalis.
To this end, the government must
institute relevant administrative
reforms based on skills and knowledge.
This is vital if public trust and
confidence is to be built in the DDR and
other processes.
The formation of the Somali National
Army (SNA) must be accelerated to bridge
the security gap that will be further
widened by any successful DDR process.
To this end, conscription should be
considered as one option to replace the
voluntary recruitment system.
3. The
Role of the International Community
Security is the pre-condition for
democratic development and
reconstruction in Somalia.
The expansion of peacekeeping forces and
disarmament along similar lines to those
in Mogadishu is essential if security is
to be established throughout the
International pressure must be
maintained on all states parties to
uphold the non-interference declaration
of the UN security Consul.
The international community must
increase its commitment to
counter-Terrorism destabilization and
the provision of alternative
Judicial Nomination, including the
training of judges and qualified
criminal justice professionals, must be
accelerated and increased financial and
technical support provided.
Implementation of the Constitution
The government should be committed to
work with civil society organizations to
implement the constitution.
civil society, Local grassroot NGOs
should be committed to upholding,
establishing a national movement to
support and monitor the implementation
of the constitution.
Mahdi Haile
and Executive Director
Nairobi Office
Mogadishu Office