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DAAWO:- VIDEO: Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
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VIDEO:: Ra'iisal Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya, Mudane Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo ka hadlaayo duulaanka cadowga Itoobiyaanku ku soo qaadeen Soomaaliya... DAAWO

Ali Mohamed Gedi
Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo Diyaarad Militari oo Itoobiyaan ah keentay Afgooye:29/12/06, Sawirka: AP.
Geeddi oo aan Weli Ka Jawaabin eedayntii ahayd in "uu Mas'uul ka ahaa Mamnuucidii Dhoofinta xoolaha Akhri

The rise and fall of Mogadishu's Islamic Courts,
The rise and fall of Mogadishu Islamic Courts
Read Here..

Democracy Now!VIDEO: "The Most Lawless War of Our Generation" - Fmr. UN Spokesperson on Somalia or Read here

VIDEO: Xeryaha ay Shacabku ku qaxeen

"Waxaan Rabnaa in aan Soomaaliya Ka Asaasno Dowlad aan wax Diin ah Shaqo Ku Lahayn
Maxkamaduhuna Waxay rabaan in ay Soomaaliya ka Asaasaan Dowlad Islaami ah" kuxigeenka wakiilka DFKMG ee UN Akhri...

ShiineDhagaxbuur: 9 Shaqaale Shiine ah iyo 65 askari oo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa lagu diley meel Shiinuhu Batrool Ka Baarayeen... Akhri..

ceelka conoco
Ceelka iyo Xaruntii Conoco, Garoowe, Soomaaliya... Akhri....

Nidaamka Islaamiga ee Wadaagga Batroolka: Laga bilaabo Morocco ilaa Indonesia: Q.3aad
Qaybta: 1aad | 2aad | 3aad

Dowlada FKMG Ah Ee Soomaaliya oo Indhaha Ka Laabatay Ceelasha Shidaalka Ee Ay Kenya Ka Baarayso Xadka Soomaaliya... Akhri

Kenya ma Badda Soomaaliyeed ayey Shidaal Ka Qodaneysaa?
Dawladda Kenya ayaa dardar gelisey baaritanka batroolka ay ka wado xeebta, waxaana soo baxay warar tibaaxaya

Itoobiyaan baaraya laba nin oo Soomaali. Muqdisho. AFP - Jan 13, 2006

Taangi Itoobiyaan ah oo taagan garoonka muqdisho - AFP - Dec 2006


Soomaalida Deggan Woqooyiga Ameerika Maxay Kala Kulmeen "Quixtar"... Guji

Soomaalida Deggan Nairobi Maxay Kala Kulmeen "Pool"

Waa "Quixtarka Kenya" Guji

UN Leaves Somalia With No International Staff, Gedi's Nairobi Villa Is Word on Mogadishu Street

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN

UNITED NATIONS, May 14, 2007-- Eight weeks after the UN's humanitarian coordinator for Somalia Eric Laroche advised his UN colleagues and NGOs to cast their lot with the UN-supported Transitional Federal Government, his boss John Holmes called for an investigation of potential war crimes involving the TFG. Holmes' weekend visit to Mogadishu was cut short by a series of bombs.

            In New York, the UN's spokesperson initially read out that Holmes' "mission had to be cut short for security reasons and plans for a second day in Somalia were cancelled.  Nevertheless, in discussions with President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, Holmes did have the opportunity to stress that the Transitional Federal Government needs to provide a more enabling operating environment for aid workers."

   After Inner City Press asked about bombs, the spokesperson specified that

"a bomb exploded a few minutes after he arrived in the Somali capital on Saturday.  And, I guess, there were two other bombs that went off within half an hour, all on the path of his itinerary.  And personnel from the African Union Mission to Somalia defused the fourth explosive device, also on the route of his itinerary."

            A reporter asked, "does this mean there's a position towards the United Nations, and that’s why they would target a senior official with all these bombs?"

  The spokesperson's response drew laughter from the press corps:

Spokesperson:  Well, I’m not saying that he was personally... I was just saying that bombs exploded on his itinerary.  We cannot draw the conclusion that he was the target... I’m just saying that the bombs happened to be on his itinerary.

            Inner City Press asked if Mr. Laroche, who praised the TFG and criticized NGOs which urged caution was now based in Mogadishu, if any UN international staff are. From the transcript:

Inner City Press: Who in the United Nations system remains in Mogadishu?  Is [Eric] Laroche there?  What is the United Nations presence, international presence, in Mogadishu at this time?

Spokesperson:  I can find out for you who is still there, who is there.  There is always a United Nations presence in Somalia.  I don’t know where it is deployed, but we will find out for you who is there.  Mr. [Francois Lonseny] Fall was there last week.  He went back, as you know, to Nairobi, and so...

Inner City Press: If you could figure out what the presence is there.

[The Spokesperson later clarified that the United Nations has no permanent international presence in Mogadishu.]

            In terms of Nairobi, word on the street in Mogadishu is that Prime Minister Gedi has just bought a large villa there. Those who so adamantly supported the TFG might want to verify and act on this. On May 11, Inner City Press asked the UN about the TFG's funding demands for the twice-postponed reconciliation conference:

Inner City Press: You also mentioned Lonseny Fall being in Mogadishu.  The conference -- is the UN going to have any role in actually funding the conference, because I think that the TFG [Transitional Federal Government] is on record as saying they don't have funds for it.  It's not only safety but there's a funding problem.  So I'm wondering, what role will the UN have in funding the reconciliation conference?

Spokesperson:  I'll check that.

[The Spokesperson later added that the conference would essentially be funded by members of the international community on a voluntary and bilateral basis.  The UN is providing a consultation mechanism to that end.]

            We'll have more on the funding mechanisms, and the demands.

Bereaved mother in neighborhood targeted by TFG and Ethiopian forces, sent to Inner City Press by a photograph requesting anonymity for his safety

   For now, Inner City Press made inquiries with the UN World Food Program about humanitarian access, and about their presence in Mogadishu:

From: Peter Smerdon [at]

To: Matthew Russell Lee

Sent: Mon, 14 May 2007 3:02 PM

Subject: Re: Thanks for Somalia response, one follow-up after USG Holmes abrupt departure from Mogadishu, thanks in advance

Matthew, The WFP Somalia Country Director, Peter Goossens, met USG Holmes in Nairobi before the USG went to Mogadishu on Saturday and USG Holmes discussed various issues there with the government and others -- as reflected in the news conference he gave in Nairobi today.

[Substantively, from a few days ago: WFP in the past week distributed food at 10 sites in Mogadishu to 16,000 people – the first WFP general food distributions in the city since much of the international community pulled out in 1995.  WFP also distributed 5 MT of food to hospitals in Mogadishu for 1,500 people injured in the worst fighting in the city in 16 years. Because of the fighting in Mogadishu and displacement of civilians, WFP now needs an extra US$10 million in donations for its operations in Somalia. UNHCR estimates that 395,000 people – over a third of Mogadishu’s population – fled the city since 1 February.]

Total WFP Somalia Staff: 196 (31 international, 165 national)

  On the number of WFP staff in Mogadishu, we have a total of seven full-time WFP staff in Mogadishu and we have a total of 196 staff (31 international, 165 national) in all of WFP Somalia, including Nairobi and 11 field offices in Somalia itself.

            Since countrywide there is a breakdown between international and national staff, but in Mogadishu only "seven full-time WFP staff," and in light of the UN Spokesperson's Monday clarification that "the United Nations has no permanent international presence in Mogadishu," we concluded that all of WFP's staff in Mogadishu are local. Click here for today's Inner City Press story on UNDP and its local staff. Developing...

Feedback: Editorial [at]
UN Office: S-453A, UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 212-963-1439
Reporter's mobile (and weekends): 718-716-3540

UN's Man in Somalia Says To Embrace and Not Question the Baidoa Government

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN

UNITED NATIONS, March 2, 2007 -- Jump in and take a side. That was the message of Eric Laroche, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Somalia, speaking to reporters on March 1. Mr. Laroche chided most "international NGOs" for not being where the humanitarian problems are. He urged the media to stop referring to the Transitional Federal Institutions, restored to power by the Ethiopian Army, as a weak government. "Call it the to-be-strong government," he said, adding that "today there is no other alternative to chaos than to support the Institutions."

            Inner City Press asked about a letter from French NGO Action Contre La Faim which decried the UN's blurring of humanitarian needs and "other political agendas." Video here, from Minute 52:24 to 55:20.

            "Are you the one who asked the Secretary-General?" Yes. "I am happy to answer to you." Mr. Laroche said that humanitarianism and politics are very difficult to separate.

            "If I want to have more victims today, I just drop the [Transitional Federal] Institutions and we go back to chaos," he said. He added that even the 8,000 peacekeepers called for in the Security Council resolution would be barely enough. The four thousand actually slated to deploy will not be enough, he said. "Forget about it. It is not enough." Video here, at Minute 52.

Copter: food or gunship?

            Mr. Laroche told the media to "stop saying that the government is weak, because I don't think that it helps." Several reporters pointed out that they aim, or should aim, to report how things are, not how they might be in the future. Mr. Laroche countered that "as weak at the Institutions may appear to the Somali people or to you, there is no other way today."

            He acknowledged that this government remains based in Baidoa, and that Somalis are fleeing Mogadishu as it has re-descended into chaos. He spoke of a TFI-sponsored conference in April and said that elements of the Islamic Courts Union might or might not attend. Mr. Laroche appeared to take no position on whether the ICU should be included. One wondered, if the UN so unequivocally embraces the Transitional Federal Government, why should it speak to its perceived enemies?

  Even Francois Lonseny Fall, the UN's other man in, or about, Somalia, says that there should be a process included the moderate elements of the Islamic Courts. Ban Ki-moon has given the same answer. And so while freelancing Indiana Joneses are always appreciated, this may be a sidebar version of Jan Egeland meeting with the Lord's Resistance Army.

            To some, Mr. Laroche appears to have conflated a location -- Mogadishu -- with a casting of political lots with a Transitional Federal Government which has still not reached out to important segments of Somali society, and which still has to gain trust and credibility, given that it is only in Mogadishu due to the Ethiopian Army. It is one thing for Mr. Laroche to urge international NGOs to come back to Mogadishu. But why should they accept his admonition to not speak ill of the government? Developing...

Feedback: Editorial [at]
UN Office: S-453A, UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 212-963-1439
Reporter's mobile (and weekends): 718-716-3540

Rift Over UN's Call to Train Police for Somali Government Is Downplayed by UN Headquarters

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis

UNITED NATIONS, February 7, 2007 -- Should the UN in Somalia now help train the police force of a government carried from Baidoa to Mogadishu behind a phalanx of Ethiopian troops?

    The question is raised by a recent exchange of letters between the UN's Eric Laroche and the Paris-based NGO Action Contre la Faim, ACF, obtained Wednesday by Inner City Press. ACF states that it currently has "a team of 90 Somali employees and five to seven expatriates permanently based in the field... implementing humanitarian projects in Wajid supporting more than 20,000 people [and] 2000 other Somali employees running health and nutrition activities in Mogadishu for more than 5,000 people per month, with the support of expatriates who visit them as regularly as possible."

            The trigger for ACF's January 21 letter was Laroche's exhortation, as now stated on the Internet, that "there is now a window of opportunity in Somalia to establish some degree of governance, law and order."

            As ACF's Xavier Dubos put it in the letter,

"the press release states a range of various activities prioritized by the UN which mix for example the 'training of police', 'the demobilization and reintegration of militias' and the 'provision of urgently needed basic social services.' ACF is fully aware of a general trend by governments and the United Nations to develop integrated, coherent policy approaches to international conflict and instability, combining political (and sometimes military) and aid instruments. But we wish to alert OCHA about the real risks created in the field by mixing the need for humanitarian aid and other political priorities. Besides inherent challenges, in this complex context, quick intervention in inadequate conditions or misperception by local actors of the impartiality and political independence of humanitarian workers may simply put the latter in danger and hamper humanitarian access and assistance to the populations in the short term and in a durable manner.

  These precautions are even more relevant given the current tense security context in Mogadishu. Humanitarian aid must be solely based on the needs of the population and strictly guided by humanitarian principles, especially impartiality and independence. One could expect that, given its specific mandate, OCHA and the Humanitarian Coordinator could strengthen the necessary distinction between humanitarian activities and any political agenda."

            On February 5, having heard about this letter but not yet having a copy of it, Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's spokesman, as transcribed by the UN:

Inner City Press:  Thanks, and also, referring to a letter by the NGO "Action Contre la Faim" to Eric Laroche, the Somali representative of the UN, basically criticizing Mr. Laroche for siding too clearly with the Ethiopian incursion and sort of taking almost a US side.  I want to know if there’s any response to that analysis and if it can be confirmed that the letter was received, and what response is being sent?

Spokesperson:  I cannot confirm this at this point.  I don’t have any information on that.

Inner City Press:  Can you get confirmation on that?

Spokesperson:  Sure.


            The following morning, the Spokesman's Office told Inner City Press that

"Yes, there was a letter from Action Contre la Faim to the Humanitarian Coordinator in Somalia (Eric Laroche). ACF was discussing its views on  priorities for humanitarian action in Somalia and their take on the current security situation.  There was nothing in the letter that remotely suggested Eric was 'siding with the Ethiopians.' Eric has now responded, reaffirming the UN position that there now exists a window of opportunity to reengage in Somalia on a humanitarian level."

            The UN did not provide a copy of Mr. Laroche's letter, much less of ACF's. But on February 7, Inner City Press obtained both. The ACF letter does, at least "remotely," suggest that by "training the police" in Somalia -- which has in the past two months faced an incursion by Ethiopian troops with American support, and American gunship attacks on southern Somalia -- the UN is "mixing the need for humanitarian aid and other political priorities" raising questions about  "impartiality and political independence." The ACF letter cannot legitimately be characterized as a discussion of "priorities for humanitarian action," because it characterizes some of the UN's stated priorities as not only not a priority, but as inconsistent with humanitarian action. It's a debate that needs to be had, but one that the UN appears to want to prevent or to sweep under the rug.

            Mr. Laroche's response does not fully address the issue. Laroche argues that training the forces of the Transitional Federal Government might increase security and humanitarian access. Time alone will tell if this argument is true. But it is an argument, being made by the UN in the field.     After Wednesday's noon briefing, Inner City Press sought an answer to these questions from the Office of the Spokesman staff who had written that "there was nothing in the [ACF] letter that remotely suggested Eric was 'siding with the Ethiopians.'"  This staffer said, "I can't give you the letters," and then seeing that Inner City Press had them, added "I've said all that I can about them."

     While it may not be necessary to say, this spokesman is otherwise helpful and civil and more, even on Wednesday, for example, on a question about Abkazhia. Mr. Laroche's previous work, in Congo-Brazzaville and elsewhere, has been widely praised. But why would UN headquarters want to muffle its field workers' arguments and the debates with civil society of which they are a part? Developing.

On Somalia, Ban Ki-moon and US Urge Inclusion of Moderate Islamists, While Words and Mortars Fly

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN

UNITED NATIONS, February 6 -- As the mortars fly in Mogadishu once again, at the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Tuesday said he is encouraged by the intention of Abdullahi Yusuf, president of the Transitional Federal Government, to "convene a reconciliation congress." Video here, from Minute 3:12.

            Inner City Press asked both Mr. Ban and U.S. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff if they believe the TFG "is reaching out sufficiently to the remainder of the Islamic Courts" Union. Amb. Wolff also tipped his figurative hat to the need for an "inclusive political process including moderate elements of the Islamic Courts movement." Video here, from Minute 2:52.

            But speaking to the Yemeni press from Baidoa, Abdullahi Yusuf called the Islamic Courts "nothing but criminals" with whom he would not negotiate. Observers say this is one of the problems with the U.S.-based strategy of having Ethiopia restore the TFG to Mogadishu, with no commitments to openness. Now that the TFG feels it is in control, it has no incentive to negotiate with anyone.

Toyota technical

            Meanwhile, the UN's humanitarian coordinator Eric Laroche, previously criticized by several NGOs for pulling out of Mogadishu when it was held by the Islamic Courts (see, e.g., "UN defends move to pull out staff from Somalia," Oct. 26, 2006), put out of a press release urging NGOs to seize the "window of opportunity" presented by Ethiopia's march to Mogadishu. Reportedly, several NGOs are unhappy with Mr. Laroche's statements, including as read-out at the UN, that "the international aid community must take immediate advantage of the window of opportunity that now exists in Somalia by substantially re- engaging in Mogadishu." One observer mused to Inner City Press, "When will Mr. Laroche be returning to Mogadishu from his base in Nairobi? Who is it, that he is urging back through the window?"

            Mr. Laroche has worked in the Congo and in Afghanistan. He is a respected UN figure. But as some note, the UN Security Council did nothing while the Somalia arms embargo was violated, as Ethiopia invaded, as the U.S. bombed south Somalia. Whether these policies will lead to peace is still very much in question.

            So too these same parties embrace of Laurent Gbagbo's initiative in Ivory Coast to negotiated directly with the Soro-led Forces Nouvelles. Tuesday Inner City Press asked U.S. Ambassador Wolff if these new direct talks complied with Council Resolution 1721,  and if elections will still be held in October. Video here, from Minute 8:08.

            Amb. Wolff replied that "there are other elements in the equation in Ivory Coast, not just limited to Gbagbo and Mr. Soro." Another diplomat of a veto-wielding, Permanent-Five member of the Council later told Inner City Press this was a reference to discussion in the Council of rebels beyond the Forces Nouvelles. Selective inclusiveness, and an on-again, off-again commitment to elections, appear to be the theme at the UN, as regards Africa.

Other Inner City Press reports are available in the ProQuest service and some are archived on --


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