w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Muraayo Nuur Cali oo 10 sano jir ah waxay la xanuunsaneysaa dhaawac culus oo ka soo gaaray nin kufsaday iyadoo 6 sano jir ah...

Muraayo Nuur Cali

Goor Barqo ah ayaa Muraayo Nuur Cali oo xiligaas 6 sano jir ahayd waxaa kufsi fool xun u geystay nin ku sasabtay lacag duuduuban oo uu gacanta ku heystay xili ay reerkeeda dukaan wax uga soo iibineysay, kaasi oo si qasab ah u xoogay, kadibna isu faruuray.

Ninkaas arxanka daran markii uu gabadha sabiga ah sidaas u galay wuu ka cararay, waxayna Muraayo N. Cali ka soo baxday iyadoo oyneysa oo dhaawac culus ah guri jajaban oo ku yaala Demada Waaberi, gaar ahaan Buundada koowaad hoosteeda, dhiig badanna ka socdo, kadibna waxay dadkii deriska ula carareen goob ay ku ogaayeen Haweeney Umuliso ah bal si ay cirbad dhiig joojin ugu dhufato ama ay wax uga qabato dhaawaceeda, hayeeshee Umulisadii waxay sheegtay in dhaawaca gabadha gaaray uu culus yahay, isla markaana aysan waxba ka qaban karin.

Kadib waxaa loola cararay Dr. Ibraahim Gaandi oo ka howlgala Isbitaalka Al-Furqaan ee Magaalada Muqdisho, mar kale ayay arrinta sii murugtay kadib markii uu dhaqtarka sheegay in dhaawaca uu culus yahay, isla markaana uusan waxba ka qaban karin, hayeeshee waxaa uu u qoray dawo dhaawaceeda lagula tacaalay iyo warqad uu ku cadeynayo dhaawaca gaaray iyo in aan dalka gudahiisa wax looga qaban karin.

Gabdhan sabiga ah waxaa kiiskeeda gacanta ku hayo Dalladda Haweenka COGWO oo Muqdisho ka howlgasha, waxayna ku wadaan nafaqeyn si jirkeeda u soo koro, waxayna soo hayeen muddo 4 sanadood ah oo ay daweyn la raadinayeen ilaa aakhirkii ay dhaqaatiirta ku takhasusay Cudurrada Haweenka ay u sheegaan in ay Muraayo Yarey u baahan tahay Qalliin iyo daweyn lagula soo sameeyo dalka dibaddiisa.

Aabaha dhalay Muraayo oo lagu magacaabo Nuur Cali ayaa sheegay in gabadhiisa markii uu dhibka gaarayay loo diray saliidda cuntada lagu kariyo, wuxuuna sheegay in markii ay gabdhiisa sii maqneyd muddo 30 daqiiqo ah uu maqlay dad ku qeylinaya magaciisa “Nuur…Nuur”, kadibna markii uu guriga dibadda uga soo baxay uu arkay gabadhiisa oo la sido, dhiig badanna uu ka baxayo.

Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Qoyska gabadhan waa mid danyar oo hadana aan ka mid ahayn beelaha hubeysan haddiiba ay xaqooda xoog ku raadsan lahaayeen. Sidaas darteed cid kasta oo gacan ka geysan karta in gabadhan daweyn dibadda ah loo helo, waxay la xiriiri kartaa ciddii caaweineysa Dalladda Haweenka COGWO oo lagala xiriiri karo.  

Drs. Nuurto Shiikh Maxamed  
Tel: 002521-280889  

W/D Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro

E-Mail ama 

English Version  


Subject: Declaration about Murayo Nur Ali

I would like to declare here that Murayo Nur Ali a girl aged 7 years old is a victim of rape who was severely wounded by the rapist, as the result of the raping act, her genital organ and rectum was extraordinarily opened up beyond recognition of the usual perennial laceration of I° (Grade 1), II° (Grade 2), and III° (Grade 3).

Due to severity of her case and the inability to treat her in the country, I would highly recommend for the victim to be taken abroad for treatment particularly specialist for perennial plastic.  
Dr. Ibrahim Mao Osman  
Senior Obstetric & Gynecology Specialist  
Mogadishu , Somalia  

Waa faahfaahin ay ka bixiyeen Dalladda Haweenka ee GOGWO

Case # 123 at COGWO Doc. Centre)

Name: Murayo Nor ali

Sex: female

Age: 7 years old (Now 10 Years)

Date of assault: 03/03/2002 at 11:00 am morning.

Date of interview: 14/03/2002

Place of assault: Waberi district, Mogadishu

Type of VAW: Child Rape

Narration of the incident: (Quotation from her father)

  “Quote” “ I live in Waberi district in Mogadishu , I sent my daughter of 7 years old to buy cooking oil from a nearby shop. Before you reach the shop, you will have to pass some old buildings which were ruined in the civil war. After my daughter being away for 30 minutes from the house, I heard screaming and crowds of people shouting while some of the people in the crowd were calling out my name ! Nur.. Nur.. Then, I stood up and went outside to see the situation. Immediately, I found some people carrying up my daughter bleeding and I took her to the nearest pharmacy to get her injected with vitamin K to stop bleeding.

After the bleeding had stopped, I took my daughter to SOS Hospital in Mogadishu for treatment. The case of my daughter was submitted to COGWO Documentation Centre since as I understand there was working relationship between the Hospital and the Documentation Centre. While I was in SOS Hospital , I was approached by COGWO Doc. Centre human rights data collectors who took us (my daughter and myself) to Alfurqan Clinic in Mogadishu where we have met Dr. Gandhi. After the necessary diagnosis on my daughter, Dr. Gandhi declared that my 7 year old daughter was inhumanely raped. The Doctor also stated that both the genital and the rectum of my daughter were all opened up through beyond recognition.


Action taken by COGWO:

  1. Medical Remedy:

  COGWO Doc. Centre provided with this small girl victim of 7 years old with regular medical support because the victim (Murayo Nur Ali) can not control its stool and is also unaware when the stool and urine is coming through.

2.Nutritional Support:

Medical support in Mogadishu have prescribed COGWO to provide the victim with nutritional support regularly during treatment

3.Legal Remedy:

COGWO has made the necessary documentation of this awful case of Murayo Nur Ali aged 7 years old at the documentation centre. Also, COGWO has carried out the necessary investigation into the case by meeting four ( 4) eye-witness people who are willing to testify the case in front of court (any legal system) in the future when an effective Somali Government is in place. The eye-witness persons had signed the investigation narrative document/form.

4) Counseling:

The victim aged 7 years old became mentally unfit because of the extra-ordinary sexual assault (Rape). COGWO invites the victim along with her father to both an individual and group counseling which is held at COGWO training hall in Mogadishu .

COGWO Recommendation:

COGWO Documentation Centre would highly recommend for the victim to be taken abroad for treatment since the Medical Doctor who made the diagnosis of the case confirmed that the case can not be treated in Somalia and thus prescribed her to be treated outside the country.

N.B: Please find here below the Doctor's declaration & prescription.
