w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Golaha Masaajidda Soomaaliyeed ee Maraykanka

Ku: Ummadda soomaaliyeed ee ku nool dalka Maraykanka, Soomaaliya ee meelwalba
Ku: Culimada iyo madax dhaqameedyada beelaha soomaaliyeed.
Ku: Baarlamaanka cusub ee dowladda mustaqbalka ee Soomaaliya
Ku: Ururada caalamiga iyo cid kasta oo daneysa arrimaha ummmada soomaaliyeed
Ku: Dhammaan warbaahinta caalamka.


Ujeeddo: Bayaan ka soo baxay kulan diineedkii 4aad ka dhacay Minneapolis, MN Sept. 4-6, 2004


September 6, 2004

Anaga oo ah Imaamyada iyo Ducaadda Masaajidda Soomaaliyeed, anagoo ah dadka ka qayb galaya shirweynaha 4aad ee golaha Masaajidda ee ka dhacaya Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA oo lagu qiyaasay in ay ka qayb galeen in ka badan 10,000 (toban kun) oo qof. Shirkaas waxaa ka soo qaybgalay culimo, aqoonyahano, indheergarad soomaaliyeed, wax sidoo kale shirka ka soo qaybgalay madax sare oo ka tirsan gobolka Minnesota sida xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee state (MN attorney general) Mr. Thomas Hilfinger, Duqa magalada Minneapolis (mayor) Mr. R.T. Rayback iyo wufuud kala duwan oo kakala duwan gobolada maraykanka.


Waxaan ku baaqaynaa arrimaha soo socda:


  1. Waxaan Soomaalida Maraykanka ugu baaqaynaa inay diintooda si dhab ah u qabsadaan, iskaashadaan oo midoobaan. Waxaan ummadda soomaaliyeed ee reer maraykan xasuusinaynaa inay ilaashadaan xuquuqdooda.Waxaan sidoo kale ummadda ugu baaqaynaa inay noqdaan shacab mid ah oo isku duuban, daryeela reerahooda iyo ubadkooda, shaqaysta, waxbarta oo ilaaliya nidaamka iyo ammaanka..
  2. Waxaan ummadda soomaaliyeed meel walba oo ay joogaan u dardaarmaynaa cabsida Allaah iyo inay heshiiyaan, iscafiyaan, dalkoodana dib u dhisaan. Sidoo kale waxaan ummadda kula dardaarmaynaa inay khilaafaadkood si walaaltinimo ku xalliyaan, is xaqdhawraan, joojiyaana is quursiga iyo qabiilka.
  3. Waxaan xubnaha baarlamaanka cusub ee soomaaliyeed kula dardaarmaynaa inay muujiyaan Alle ka cabsi, daacadna u noqdaan diintooda, dadkooda iyo dalkooda, muujiyaan xilkasnimo, aragti fog, dulqaad iyo isu tanaasul.Waxaan sidoo kale kula dardaarmaynaa xabnaha baarlamaanku ee dhawaan la filayo inay madaxweyne soo doortaan inay qofka diintiisa, aqoontiisa, kartidiisa, iyo ammaanadiisa ku doortaan.
  4. Waxaan muslimiinta meel walba oo ay joogaan kula dardaarmaynaa inay diintooda u laabtaan, sufuuftoodana mideeyaan. Waxaanan Allaah ugu barayaynaa inuu dhibka haysta ka saaro, xaqana ku toosiyo.

Waxaa qoraalkan soo saaray golaha ay ku midoobeen Imaamyada afar iyo toban (14) Masaajid oo Soomaliyeed oo ku kala yaala gobolada kala duwan ee Maraykanka.


Wixii faahfaahin fadlan la soo xiriir :
Sh. Cabdirahman Sh.Cumar Imaamka Masjid Abuubakr Assidiiq  Minneapolis, MN 
Sh. Adam Sh Abdulahi, Xoghaynta golaha Masaajidda, 
Sh. Cabdishakur Ibrahim,Imaam Masjidka Al-Farooq, Nashville, TN


In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful


Council of Imams of Somali Mosques & Abubakar Islamic Center


Statement issued to the 4th annual convention of the Council of Imams and Abubakar Assidik Islamic Center. Minneapolis, MN. Sept. 4-6, 2004


Dear brothers and sisters assalamu alaikum;


Our respected and distinguished guests: the Attorney general of the state of Minnesota Mr. Thomas Hilfinger, The mayor of the city of Minneapolis Mr. R. T. Rayback.


On behalf of the Council of Imams of Somali Mosques and Abubakar Assidique Mosque, I am very honored and pleased to welcome you to our 4th annual convention here in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


My name is Sheikh Abdirahman Omar the Imam of Abubakar Mosque and a member of the Council.


 Our main objectives in these conventions are as follows:


·        To bring together the Somali-American community in Minnesota and throughout the US to get to know each other, and to discuss and share their concerns.

·        Promote friendly and healthy relationship between the Muslims and non-Muslims in our community

·        To educate our community about Islam.

·        To educate our community about their rights, responsibilities and privileges in their new home of United States of America.

·        To educate the community especially the youth about the danger of drugs, gang, and other public health and safety issues and to assist them continue their education.

·        To have a balanced social life of maintaining our culture and religion and integrating and adapting to our new society and to became productive members of America society.


Mr. Attorney General, Mr. Mayor and other respected official:


After the terrorist attack in September 11 2001, many Muslim Americans, including Somalis have been arrested, harassed and interviewed by the law enforcement agents. Recently, Somalis in the twin cities have been experiencing unprecedented interviews from some law enforcement agents such as the FBI, these contacts can sometimes be intimidating and may undermine individual’s civil rights. Somalis like many other ethnic community, came from a culture where the law enforcement agents is seen as fear factor, because of their historic abuse and misuse of power. The Somali American community feel they may have became an easy target because of their distinct characteristics i.e. blacks, Muslims, new immigrants and their lack English proficiency.


The Somali American community, like other Americans is decent law abiding citizens, taxpayers, and proud hard working people. Somalis are peace-loving people and are here to seek peace, liberty, justice and opportunity as well as to contribute to the society. Mr. Attorney General, the Somali American community is very concerned with that.


In addition to that, the Somali people have been suffering a bloody civil war, which caused unnecessary death and destruction; many of the people who are sitting here with us today have lost some of their loved ones in the civil war. Somali Americans will not allow such tragedy to happen here; we very much care about safety and security of our home.



The Somali-American community is one the fastest growing communities in America, it is estimated that there are approx. quarter a million Somalis in the US, about half of that live in the state of Minnesota, most of them call the twin cities HOME. Many more Somalis are expected to come. Mr. Attorney General, Mr. Mayor, you know more than anyone else our votes count, and we will vote for those who support our cause.


Mr. Mayor, we would like to see more representation from our community in the metro agencies, especially commissions and boards that directly affect our lives such board of education, human rights, human relations, human resources and other important positions.


Again, my dear brothers and sisters and our honorable guests thank you for coming and listening.

"Help one another in righteousness and piety; and do not help one another in sinning and transgression." Al-Maidah 5:2 The Holy Qur'an

Please contact: Sh. Cabdirahman Sh.Cumar Imaamka Masjid Abuubakr Assidiiq  Minneapolis, MN 

Faafin: | Sept 7, 2004

Waxaa SomaliTalk soo gaarsiiyeye Cabdishakur Ibrahim

Kulaabo bogga 

Allah Is Great

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