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More News Update
. IRIN Horn of Africa Update: 15 August
ReleifWeb, August 15, 2000
. Somalia's warlords denounce first parliament
Akhbar, August 14, 2000
. Somalia creates first legislature in 9 years
dailysouthtown, August 14, 2000
. Somalia's first legislature in almost a decade is sworn in
FoxNews August 13, 2000
. Somalia gets transitional parliament
CNN August 13, 2000
. New parliament for Somalia
BBC Africa August 13, 2000
. Somalis try to remake their country from afar
Star tribune August 13, 2000
. A life in limbo for refugees without documentation
montrealgazette, August 12, 2000
. Section of Food Insecure/At-Risk Population in Somaliland
[NB. This is an acrobat file] UNSomalia August 11, 2000
. WAA CUSUB - New publication by FSAU
UNSomalia August 11, 2000
Dayac Jira Maxaa dawo u ah, August 11, 2000
10 killed in Wajir attack Daily Nation August 11, 2000

Bring the Somali Warlords to Justice
Arta, SPR Press Release, August 10, 2000

Yet, the Somalis are asking themselves why the perpetrators of genocide and war crimes in Somalia are not held accountable for the heinous crimes they have committed against humanity? Why Somalia does not get the attention it deserves?

Read more at SPR Press Release Somalitalk August 10 2000.

SOMALIA: Conference overshoots budget
IRIN August 11, 2000
Djibouti President Appeals for Somali Transitional Assembly Meeting
China News August 11 2000
UNICEF Somalia Review July 2000
August 10 2000
** Dhegeyso Wararkii BBC ee Shirka Carta
[Khudbadii Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uu kajeediyey shirka Carta.] Host insists on first parliamentary session
IRIN August 10 2000
Somali Olympic team is itself a miracle
knox News August 10, 2000
Kenyan President Calls to Curb Illegal Arms Infiltration
China News August 10 2000
Seven killed, 15 wounded in Somali fighting [Beledweyn]
Lasvegas sun, August 9 2000
SOMALIA: Parliamentary lists still awaited
IRIN NEWS August 9, 2000
SOMALIA: Talks at "make or break" stage
IRIN NEWS August 9, 2000
Remaking Somalia August 9 2000
Egypt Reiterates Keenness on Helping Realize Peace in Somalia
China News August 8, 2000
SOMALIA: Clan nominees completed
IRIN August 8, 2000
Somali peace talks plea
BBC August 8, 2000
Haggling at the Somali peace talks
BBC August 7, 2000
400 Refugees in Tanzania to Resettle in Canada
China News August 7, 2000
Prepare for transition, Somali told by Minister
Africa News, August 7, 2000
Kenyan Government Urged to Support Somalia Peace Process
China News, August 7, 2000
With Warlords at Home, Somalis Talk Peace
New York Times, August 6, 2000

Myopic Leaders Are the Source of Conflict and Poverty In Somalia

Bossaso City (Somali Peace Rally, July 28, 2000) - Somali Peace Rally (SPR) still holds the believe that the Somali peace conference at Arta, Djibouti, should not encourage clan hegemony, warlords and corrupt leaders of former regime to...

More at SPR Press Release Somalitalk July 28, 2000

End nears for Somalia's decade-long civil war
csmonitor, August 3, 2000
In Somalia, It's All Business and No Government
LATimes August 5, 2000
Somali presidential candidates make themselves known at talks
AFP, July 3, 3000
SOMALIA: Food assistance needed in northwest
IRIN, July 3, 3000
Mohammed H. Absir [Opinion]
Excellent Job done by Somalitalk team, August 3, 2000
No Place Like Home [SOMALIA]
August 3, 2000

Abdul Juma Hassan crossed the border on March 28, 1996. He brought with him only what he could carry--a spare change of clothes in an old suitcase, and no more than $300 stuffed into his pocket. Like most of the people on the twilight run....

Read more at [page 1] August 3, 2000
This is a three-pages story Page 2 | Page 3

. SOMALIA: Progress reported at peace conference
IRIN Aaugust 2, 2000
. SOMALIA: 'Minority' groups reach consensus
IRIN Aaugust 2, 2000
. Talyaaniga oo Taageerisoona Dawlad kadhalata carta
. Maternity Ward Rehabilitated - Hargeysa
UN Somalia August 2, 2000
. Bundoweyne Bridge opens for business- Beletweyne
UN Somalia August 2, 2000
. Unfettered business booms in Somalia
News24 August 1, 2000

Summary Notes - Puntland, August 1, 2000
President Guelleh: A Peacemaker Or Pawnbroker?
Somaliland Forum, August 1, 2000

Lawless Somalia Turns to Islamic Courts for Order
Latimes July 28, 2000
Governor Pardons Somali Refugee
AP July 29, 2000
IRIN NEWS [Somalia] August 1, 2000
. Arbitration over clan deadlock
. Hostage negotiations "complicated"
. Aideed calls kidnapping "deplorable"
Wajir Police impounded lorry and sugar consignment
Daily Nation August 1, 2000
SOMALIA: Faction leader abandons talks
IRIN, August 1, 2000
Somali warlord exits peace talks
News24 ZA. July 31, 2000

IRIN NEWS July 31, 2000
. SOMALIA: Leaders criticise Djibouti talks
. SOMALIA: Distribution of seats "takes time"
. SOMALIA: Demonstrators demand release of hostages
Puntland elders oppose British maritime firm's plans to set up base Riyaaq NewsPaper, July 21, 2000
Tanzanian Security Forces Repulse Somali Bandits
Africa News July 29, 2000
SHASNA team travel today to Somalia Somalitalk July 28, 2000
Will Arta reverse course or will it follow the route Camp David route
Africa News July 27, 2000
Egypt Reiterates Support for Somali Reconciliation Process
Chian News July 27, 2000
Somalia's Gamble for Peace
Fox News July 25, 2000
Somalis Place Hopes on Peace Talks
AP July 25, 2000
SOMALIA: Talks hit deadlock on representation
IRIN July 25, 2000
Somali Shilling Strengthens as Hopes for Peace Increased
China News July 25, 2000
Aideed says "no place" at conference
IRIN July 24, 2000
Egyptian ambassador denies boycott
IRIN July 24, 2000
Somali peace talks 'sabotaged'
BBCJuly 24, 2000
SCF Deplores Egypt's Recent Political Movement in Somalia
Somalitalk July 23, 3000
Djibouti accuses Egypt, again, of sabotaging Somali peace talks
Akhbar July 22, 2000
Friday MediaWatch Report
SHASNA July 21, 2000
cisman m m July 19, 2000.
Maryan Osman July 19, 2000.
Cabdullahi Shiekh Nuur July 19, 2000.

Somali Support Committee Press Release
July 19, 2000

WASHINGTON, DC - Somali Support Committee solidly declares that all clans and regions of Somalia are fully engaged and participating in the Somali National Peace Conference being held in Arta, Djibouti.

More at SSC Press Release Somalitalk July 19, 2000

Jawaab-2: Mohammed H. Abshir July 21, 2000
Jawaab-1: Wiil Soomaali July 18, 2000
. SPR Press Release Somalitalk July 18, 2000

Jawaab-4: C/rashid Khalif July 17, 2000
Jawaab-3: Soomaali Yaaban July 17, 2000
Jawaab-2: Abdinasir Omar July 16, 2000
Jawaab-1: abdulkadir ali July 15, 2000
. SHASNA Press Release Somalitalk July 14, 2000

Kenya Clan Fight Leaves 30 Dead
PANA July 21, 2000
Somali talks progress damped by warlords' no-show
July 20, 2000
A Government for Somalia?
addistribune July 20, 2000
Djibouti Market Is Lucrative Market
July 20, 2000
July 20, 2000
SOMALIA: New provisional capital chosen - Baidoa
IRIN July 19, 2000<
SOMALIA: Overwhelming approval for charter
IRIN July 19, 2000
Two-year-old (somali) struck by hit-run driver
The Ottawa Citizen
SOMALIA: Islamic courts ban tree felling
IRIN July 17, 2000
Somaliland, Puntland leaders meet
IRIN July 18, 2000
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Allah Is Great
The last case of smallpox occurred in October 1977 in Somalia. Two years later, the World Health Organization certified that the disease had been eradicated.
Check StarTribune
Both Ethiopia and Eritrea, also find time to support rival rebel groups in the country that used to be called Somalia. As a result, funds that could be spent on the development of these countries are diverted to arms purchases.
check this at:
May 22, 2000
Tacsiyihii hore

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