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More News Update
Somalia: Voting for new charter detailed
IRIN July 17, 2000
SOMALIA: Peace conference passes new charter
July 17, 2000
Abdi's rise as swift as his stride
Arizone Daily Star July 17, 2000
SomaliTalk July 15, 2000
SomaliTalk July 14, 2000
. Some soldiers on the ill-fated mission to Somalia drank to keep the horrors at bay
[Ottawa Citizen] July 15, 2000
. 'The dark side that emerged in Somalia is inside all Canadians'
Part Two [Ottawa Citizen] July 15, 2000
Democracy, the West, UN, Djibouti and Somalia
SHASNA July 14, 2000
SOMALIA: UN rights expert hails peace process
IRIN July 14, 2000
Somalia Banditry: Tanzania To Deploy The Army
July 14, 2000
Somalian refugee faces death penalty for conversion
worldnetdaily July 14, 2000
Media Watchdog Protests Journalist's Arrest
SomaliTalk July 13, 2000
Armed Conflicts Erupt Between Different Clans in Somalia
July 13, 2000
SOMALIA: Peace talks in Djibouti hit deadlock
IRIN July 13, 2000
Police allege couple assaulted Somali child
July 12, 2000
SOMALIA: UN prepares "post Djibouti" situation
IRIN July 12, 2000
Somaliland Bank signs agreement
IRIN July 12, 2000
UN Official Commends Drought Relief Work In Ogaden
PANA July 11, 2000
SOMALIA: Somaliland leader tells south to reconcile
IRIN July 11, 2000
UN Concerned Over Somalis' Arrests
July 11, 2000
OAU Condemns Foreign Interference In Somalia
SomaliTalk July 10, 2000
OAU pledges support for peace process
SomaliTalk July 10, 2000
Ongoing fighting displaces civilians
July 10, 2000
Dooddii Axdiga Kumeelgaarka oo Weli Carta Kasocota
SomaliaRebirth July 10, 2000
Shasna press release July 10, 2000
A Significant Part of Somali Peace Participants Represent a Dangerous Element
BCCP press release July 10, 2000
At least 10 people were killed in Dharkaynley on Friday afternoon
China News July 8, 2000
Somalis Welcome Forthcoming Government
July 7, 2000
Hadii ay XAMAR xasilaan waydo, ku meel gaadh ahaa caasimada Soomaaliya waxay noqon doonto BAYDHABA
SomaliaRebirth July 6, 2000
. Somalia's feuding clans gather to seek peace
CNN July 7, 2000
. Somalia Continues To Languish In Political Wilderness
PANA July 7, 2000
SOMALIA: Militiamen will be isolated, says "weak" faction leader
IRIN, July 6, 2000
Press Release July 6, 2000
Somaliland critical of UN over Djibouti talks
IRIN July 5, 2000
Museveni Commends Djibouti's Guelleh
NewVision July 6, 2000
IRIN Interview with Abdirashid Bashir Warsame
IRIN July 6, 2000
Sadaashu waa Guul
Abshir Abshir July 5, 2000
Djibouti President Arrives In Uganda
SomaliTalk July 5, 2000
Soomaalida London Ontario oo dabaaldegaya
AhmedAli July 5, 2000
Madaxbannaanidii Soomaaliya afartan sano ka dib!!!
AhmedYasiin July 5, 2000
. SPR Deplores Restriction of Somali People's Movement
SomaliTalk, July 5, 2000
. Chief Guard Shot Dead in Somalia (Hargeysa)
July 4, 2000
. Seatle iyo Soomaalida ku Dhaqan
SomaliTalk July 4, 2000
. Somaliland deports group heading for Djibouti
SomaliTalk July 3, 2000
. Somali Peace Rally "Press Release"
July 2, 2000
. 1da Luuliyo Waa Maalin Astaan u Ah Qaranimada Soomaaliya
SomaliTalk July 3, 2000
. IMF, World Bank hold first talks with Somalia in 10 years
. Waxay Ii Ahayd Maalin Kale Oo Yaab Badan
SomaliTalk June 30, 2000
. IRIN interview with Hassan Abshire Farah
Djibouti (IRIN)
. Nine Starve To Death In Northern Kenya
Nairobi (PANA) Soomaalida Kudhaqan Pakistan
AhmedNur June 30, 2000
Soomaalida kudhaqan India
Dr. Saeed, June 28, 2000
Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo lasheegay in laga filayo Jabuuti
SomaliTalk july 1, 2000
. IRIN Guide To The Somali National Peace Conference
SomaliTalk June 30, 2000
. UN: Security Council strongly condemns attacks by armed groups
SomaliTalk June 30, 2000
. UN: urges it not to give up on Somalia
SomaliTalk June 30, 2000
. Djibouti Seeks Help for Somali Unification Talks
China Calls for Full Participation of Somali Factions in Peace Process
SomaliTalk June 29, 2000
U.N. Leader Calls for World Support to Djibouti
SomaliTalk June 29, 2000
Up to 60 reported killed in clashes in Lower Shebelle
SomaliTalk June 29, 2000
Somalia and the chronic of torture
HNuur, June 28, 2000
Iraqi suspect denies causing fatal injuries June 29, 2000
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Allah Is Great
The last case of smallpox occurred in October 1977 in Somalia. Two years later, the World Health Organization certified that the disease had been eradicated.
Check StarTribune
Both Ethiopia and Eritrea, also find time to support rival rebel groups in the country that used to be called Somalia. As a result, funds that could be spent on the development of these countries are diverted to arms purchases.
check this at:
May 22, 2000
Tacsiyihii hore

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