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Beating death trial opens
Ottawa Sun, Tue May 9, 2000

Michael Gallie and Carrie-Anne Burns have pleaded not guilty to manslaughter in the vicious beating death of a down-and-out immigrant in Hintonburg last year.

..."This revives the moments when my son was killed," Ali Hashi told the Sun after flying in from Virginia with his other son Yassin.

Read more at: Ottawa Sun Tue May 9, 2000

Extending a Trembling, Hesitant Hand
NewYork Times, May 7, 2000

...THE Clinton administration has experienced two defining moments in Africa, barely six months apart. The first was the slaughter of 17 American soldiers in Mogadishu, Somalia, in October 1993 and the dragging of one of the bodies through the streets. The following spring, the administration remained largely silent as a genocide unfolded in Rwanda after the United States agreed to the removal of a United Nations military force there.

After Mogadishu, President Clinton chose to shy away from risking such casualties or humiliation again; after Rwanda, he said genocide could not be tolerated again.

Read more at: New York Times Sun May 7, 2000
NB: please note that Newyork Times may require password to read this story


Asked what his most difficult moment as vice president had been, he answered without much hesitation, "The day our soldiers in Somalia were killed." - (Vice President Al Gore - USA)
Qouted from New York Times May 6, 2000.

Annan has warned that this week's attacks could imperil U.N. peacekeeping on the continent in the same way that the West shied away from African intervention after 18 Americans were killed in a botched U.S. raid in Somalia in 1993. - U.N. hostages top 300 as rebels seize force in Sierra Leone - (U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan)
Qouted from arkansas online May 6, 2000.
But whether the violence will frighten the world body away from further peacekeeping missions in Africa - where U.N.missions to countries like Somalia and Rwanda have already failed in recent years - remains unclear. (Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations)
Quoted from Star Tribune May 6, 2000.
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Italy Airlifts Aid To Somali Region
Afica News Online, May 5, 2000

Addis Ababa - Italy has announced an airlift of food aid valued at US$ 250,000 to assist the drought-affected Somali region. The first flight of CSB ( a supplementary food consisting of a cornsoy blend) arrived in Gode the previous Thursday and will be followed by six additional aircraft in the coming four days.

Read more at: Africa News Online May 5, 2000

Kenya Government is behind the Somali and Boran Killings currently happening in the Isiolo District
Abdi D. Omar
Chairperson Kenya Somali Community of Canada
May 5, 2000

TORONTO: The conflict between the Somalis and Borans in the Isiolo District was created by the Kenya Government and they are still encouraging this conflict. Both communities are victims of a divide and rule policy of the Kenya Government.

Read more at: SomaliTalk Press Room May 5, 2000

Rains hamper Ethiopian aid effort
BBC May 5, 2000
Djibouti conference would last for a week and include 250 "important representatives" of Somali society
Africa News Online May 3, 2000
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