Somali Institute for Peace and Justice Minneapolis, MN |
Mudaharaad Looga Soo Horjedo Duullaanka iyo Xasuuqa ay Ciidamada Itoobiya ku hayaan Soomaaliya oo lagu qaban doono Minneapolis, Maalinta Ciid-Al-Adxaa - Dec 30, 2006
Goorma:: 9:00 A.M, Salaada Ciida Kaddib
Faahfaahin: Soo wac telefoonka hoos ku qoran ama Email:
Ethiopian Aggregation must stop now
United Nation,
League of Arab States,
European Union
United States of America
African Union
December 25, 2006
For months Somalia's internal affairs were desecrated by neighboring country namely Ethiopia. Both Ethiopian and Somali Government have denied for months any presence of Ethiopian troops when witnesses and journalists have reported otherwise.
On December 24, 2006 Ethiopia has for the first time admitted its ground troops were fighting in Somalia and its fighter jets bombed airports in Somalia and are now occupying towns in Somalia without any legitimacy.
International Community have done very little to safeguard the sovereignty of Somalia and international law other than the resolution passed unanimously by 15 members of the security council which only fluid the already escalating crisis in Somalia.
The people of Somalia have only enjoyed for the first time in 15 years what peace and stability were all about. Sadly Ethiopia government who the average Patriotic Somali believes would do anything to stop peace and stability taking place in Somalia.
The Ethiopian government massed its troops in Somalia without having any legal authority from the Somalia interim parliament which voted against front line states to be brought in Somalia as peace keeping force nor the United Nation Security Council.
The Ethiopian Government Clearly violates Council resolution 733 (1992) which prohibits supply of armies, military equipments, technical training and assistance intended solely and the use of force.
Security Council resolution 1725(2006), calls for respect of Somalia sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independent and Somali Unity. With all due respect Ethiopian government had violated every word the Security Council resolution 1725(2006) and 733(1992) prohibited
Above all Ethiopian Government went against the will of the people of Somalia. We urge the international community to denounce this aggregation against Somalia. The world community can not afford to take back seat and let Ethiopian government take the lead in solving Somalia's internal affairs when the very right of defensive integrity is violated.
Somali Diaspora Association
Canada, USA, Sweden, Australia, UK
Dec 24-06
ururka Xalka Iyo MIdnimada Soomaaliyeed ama CSSU International ayaa ku
baaqday dhinacyada dagaalku u dhaxeeyo ee oo aay ku jirto dalka Itoobiya
kuna dagaalamaya gobolka Bay inay iyo Gobalada Dhexei iney xakameeyaan
oo colaada joojiyaan.
Waxayna ka digtay hadii dagaalka xage cirka ah lala beegsado
Magaalooyinka dadka shicbka ah degan yihiin sii socdo inuu waxyeelo u
geesan doono gurmadkii iyo dadaalka lagula jiray fatahaadii waxyeelada u
geystay dadka rayidka ah.
Bayaan magaalada Nairobi ka soo saaray Xafiiska CSSU International ee
Nairobi Muse Mohamed ayuu ku cadeeyay welwelka ku saabsan xaalada
bini'aadanimo iyo Khasaaraha dadka rayidka oo mar horeba la
dhibaataysnaa ee soomaaliya inay ka sii darto gaar ahaan dadkii la
doonaye in loo gargaaro ee ku barakacay fatahaadda dalka ka dhacay.
Bayaan Xurunta Xalka Iyo Midnimada Soomaaliyeed wuxuu sheegayaa in dad
rayid ah ay waxyeelo ka soo gaareen weerarkii xaga cirka ahaa ee
diyaardaha Itoobiya ku soo qaadeen Magaalda Baladweyne. Iyadoo aay taasi
ku sii dareen in dadka rayidka ah bilaabeen inay ka qaxaan magaalada,
iyo iyadoo Isbitaaladduna dhaawacyo fara badan lagu dawaynayo, taasoo
dhibaatadii hore u jirtay sii xumaynaysa ayay ku soo gabagabeeyeen
Waxayna ugu dambayntii ugu baaqeen bulshada caalamka inay ka hortagaan in dagaal lagu hoobto ka sii qarxo geeska Africa, kaasoo Soomaaliya ka dhigi karo Wadan ay dalalka dariska ah ku dagaalmaan.
Muse Mohamed
CSSU international Communication Director